Working Party Update – October 2022

Work on the Loco

Work on the Locomotive continues to make progress and 71000 is looking more and more like a complete loco. Since the last update in September, the Duke’s crank axle has had 4 new coats of paint. Both the crank and driving axles have now been returned to the loco, 71000 now has all the wheels and the springs returned to the frames.

The Dukes connecting rods have recently been cleaned and will soon be taken into Tyseley’s workshops for Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) Testing and re-metalling of the bushes.



Work on the Tender

Work on the Duke’s tender continues and is progressing well. Work has mainly concentrated on the electronics. The tender’s frames have also received another coat of paint.

Support Coach

The Duke’s support coach has had its new batteries fitted together with new cases.